South of the Cox’s Bazaar-Teknaf peninsula lies a small island, known as Saint Martin’s Island since the British occupation. The first settlements were however of Arabian sailors 250 years ago, who gave it the name - Zajira . To locals, it is known as Narikel Gingira (Coconut Island). St. Martin’s Island is the only coral island in Bangladesh. It exhibits unspoilt natural beauty and lucrative beaches dotted with coral reefs. The island has approximately 7000 residents, living mostly from fishing and other staple crops like coconut and rice. Their main export is algae which is dried and sent to Myanmar. Chicken and other products are imported from mainland Bangladesh. They live in a certain scope of risk, as during the rainy season, they are trapped on the island due to the dangerous Bay of Bengal. There are no resident doctors in the remote areas. However, the rest of the year, the island is a serene and sunny place. The only transport to the island is by boat from the mainlan...