There are some things that should always be kept in mind to be successful in sales. Demand and supply are the biggest things in these sectors. These two things are very much related to each other, but both are equally essential for profit making. The supply is to fulfill the demand, so both trigger the success in sales. A product that stands in the middle to low tier has more purchases, almost recurring. Because if a lower level product is damaged in any way, the customer is more likely to buy another one instead of fixing it, as both may end up costing the same. This is an affordable product, which can also be regarded as a source of profit. On the other side, there are a lot of products which are technologically very much advanced, but at the same time inaccessible by the mass because of its excessive value. One may want to acquire a jetpack for personal causes, as the traffic jam has been a recurring problem throughout the years, but to make this technology accessible to the ma...