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Qualities to be a Successful Bangladeshi Businessman

To have a successful business you need some specific attributes. Being a great leader in a Bangladeshi business means that you have to be different from the average. Here are ten qualities you should have if you are thinking about having a successful business in Bangladesh:

1.      Your ambition has to be high and you need a great driving power to get you to your ambition. You need focus, energy, dedication and proper education to reach your goal. At times you will feel lost; you will not be able to find your way. But proper dedication will bring you out of it and back on your track. Iftekharul Islam, the owner of Aftab Group and Uttara bank is one such ambitious Bangladeshi businessman. He knows his goals well and is determined to achieve it. That is why he is successful in making Aftab Group a top company of the country. 

2.      You have to be disciplined. Without discipline you cannot achieve anything. You must have a great sense of ethics. Though it is rare in Bangladesh, be honest, sincere and think about how your decision might affect others. Always choose quality over quantity. Do not always go for the cheapest product in the market. Think about standards as well as money. Try to go for the best quality stuff you can find which you can afford without suffering a loss.

3.      Courage is extremely important to have a successful business in Bangladesh. You cannot be afraid to make a decision, to make a public appearance of to face your business opponents. You must be brave enough to be able to handle the consequences of your decisions and then to get over it.

4.      Be confident about yourself. Keep it in your mind that you cannot be perfect and you will make mistakes at times. Just because you make a mistake does not mean that you will lose hope and your self confidence. Being self confident will get you through any problems and it will save you from ultimate devastation.

5.      Be an inspiration to those who work around you. Treat them well. Take to them nicely. Have a balance between being their boss and their friend. This will make sure that your employees will respect you and do your bids gladly.

6.      Creativity will make the difference between you and an average person. Let your mind wander. Think something different.

7.      You have to understand your skills, strength and your own personality. You also have to realize what your weaknesses are. Act upon the result. Do the things that fit you the most. Try to get rid of your limitations. This will bring you closer to your goals.

8.      To have a successful business, you have to think about others. When you do something to make others happy, you will eventually get what you need from yourself. Try to answer this question, “Why would people want to work for me?” Be extra special to make sure that people are happy to work with/under you.

9.      Believe that nothing is impossible. The dream you have might be hard to get but it is not something you can never achieve. With proper hard work and determination you will be able to reach your goal.

10.  You have to do your part for the community. Look at Bill Gates, he promised that he will give 90% of his assets to charity. Many Bangladeshi top businessmen also donate to the charity. Do your shares of charity work.

These are the things which will make you different from others and eventually, you will have the successful business you always dreamt of.

For more tips on doing business and to know details about corporate sector of Bangladesh, do visit Corporate Bangladesh site. The site contains information on all industries, tips on corporate culture, details of top groups of companies and lists of thrust sectors in Bangladesh.


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