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SUCCESS 101: How to form the dream team

“Match made in heaven!” the company owner exclaimed with pride after achieving a huge success in the big project thanks to his outstanding management team. Certainly, everyone aspires of a successful, harmonized and efficient team. Being the key ingredient of victory, an accomplished squad can make a huge difference in the fight for triumph. With a coordinated set of members, the race becomes easier and less stressful so, building a good posse is the initial step towards triumph captivation.

A good team
First of all, it is important to clarify as to what a good team actually means.
A group of people who come together to work on the same agenda and through regular communication fruitfully approach the desired goal defines a good team.

What makes a good team -  a great one

1.  Fulfill the role requirement :   A team needs presence of certain roles .Though I could have given a random list, but it is better to see what the researchers think .
According to researcher R. Meredith Belbin (In his book ‘The coming shape of Organization’) for a team to be a successful one, it requires the following role types:

·         Coordinator: who clarifies goals and coordinates resources
·         Implementer: who transforms ideas into reality

·         Plant : the dreamer who proposes innovative ideas and attempts to solve complicated problems

·         Reserve examiner: the explorer of all the opportunities, possibilities who handles external contacts

·         Schemer: the team member who does the critical reasoning and gives coherence to team activities

·         Monitor : the person making sure that all the members are comfortably completing their tasks

·         Specialist : source of the scarce but significant knowledge and skills

·         Completer :who finds the flaws and errors and keeps the team works going

·         Team worker : the central member who builds bridges, foster team spirit and calms rough water

Surely, most of will also agree after analyzing the requirement list. Although the list has nine roles, it is not always necessary that a team will only have exactly nine people and each member will have only one quality. Obviously, the number of team members can be more or less. But it is to be made sure that these characters are more or less covered.

2.   Select qualified people :  Observing the above list you might select a under qualified guy simply because he has a certain quality from the above. Unfortunately that won’t work . If you choose an electrician to make a power plant project you might just burn the office! So, make sure that the team members are qualified for the job.

3. Decide impartially : When it comes to team choice, we often become biased and end up choosing all the wrong people . You may not like someone, but who knows , maybe his expertise will be of massive help in accomplishing your team goals. Unless you put your ego aside and think about the greater good, you cannot achieve the ultimate team .

In the end , if these main issues are kept in mind then building successful teams and get fabulous team spirit will be as easy as pie.


  1. মহিলাদের সরকারীভাবে গার্মেন্টস ভিসায় মাত্র ২৫ হাজার টাকা খরচ করে জর্ডান/বাহরাইন গিয়ে মাসে ৩০ হাজার টাকা আয় করার সূবর্ণ সুযোগ। বিস্তারিত জানতে ফোন করুন-০১৭৭৮৭২৮৭৪৪/০১৭৪৩৮৩১১৭০


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